Thread: PlayStation 5
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      11-11-2019, 01:19 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Joe240 View Post
We get it, “PC MASTERRACE!” 🙄 people miss the idea that we play console because of the slim form factor, convenience with minimal power usage, and the console exclusive titles. Sure, I can build a budget PC and use a console controller to play games on it. But I would also need to spend the time to configure the settings of each and every game I play so that it doesn’t run like shit on the budget graphics cards. Not to mention the convenience of just grabbing my controller, hitting the Ps button and the console, TV Soundbar all turn on at once. Using a PC I’d still have to turn on everything myself (call me lazy). Consoles have always brought one thing PC can’t and that’s Convenience. Try packing your PC into a pelican carry case to use as your personal item on an airplane.

All of this doesn’t mean that consoles couldn’t have a modular design to them for APU, CPU/GPU, Storage (expansion even, add a second PCIe slot for NVMe SSDs!), and RAM.

I believe it hasn’t been implemented with consoles because it’d kill sales during the midlife refresh that they typically do. However, they could offset this by offering extended warranties (I don’t buy them knowing the console will be refreshed in 3-4 years anyways), and even HW upgrade services or proprietary HW for those upgrades. We all know services make the most money, not the hardware. There’s a reason major companies are going to subscription based services, branching into new markets (PSVue) and offer other streaming services.

Hahaha, I've been a console only gamer for about 15 years now. So chill out with the assumptions Consoles, like you said yourself, are supposed to be easy and small. Creating 500 different configuration options kills the "easy". Adding different hardware options will make it just as crappy as PC's to configure. You start a game on high, it runs crappy, you change to medium still not great, you go to low and it runs great... But damn high looked good . Consoles run games as they are supposed to straight out of the box/download. (most of them at least)
The other problem of the option of adding/changing hardware is that you need to supply the room in the console to do so in a idiot proof way. Which means bigger consoles. Wait, wasn't that what we didn't want?

Since there's only one main platform for a console game development is relatively easy. All games are made to run on the specs of that console. So adding extra RAM might have benefits but most cases probably not. Better CPU/GPU? Same story. More storage? Just change the internal drive (PlayStation) or attach a USB drive. Yes they do have a LCI version of consoles now a days. But that's just a minor change compared to a fully interchangeable platform. And last but not least, how much do you think it would cost extra to develop the upgrade hardware? It will have to be as small as possible, so no standard PC stuff but console specific. How many people will want to upgrade? 1 in 10, 1 in 10,000? Would you be willing to pay 300,- or so for a video upgrade on a console that will play all they games no matter what? Or would you expect the games to become hardware specific, which would force your friends or to upgrade or you to play without them?

This all is why I play console. You want to play, you turn it on and play. No hassle, no fuzz, just play. (If you've got all the updates that is ) But that's just me